
Rebuilding Trust and Confidence in Financial Services

“How can we accelerate the rebuilding of trust and confidence in Financial Services?” On May 29th the Transparency Taskforce will tackle this question during their symposium. VisibleThread is proud to sponsor this event and speak to attendees about plain language as a driver of trust.

About the Event

The Transparency Taskforce and this symposium is part of a 5-year international effort to deal with the lack of trust in financial services.

The event takes place in Dublin on May 29th. The Taskforce plans to gather more support for the idea that the finance sector should accelerate the rebuilding of trust. They will focus on strategic thinking and the need for organized programs of activity.

Plain Language Builds Trust

Our very own Ronan Daly, VP Customer Success & Innovation, will join the Transparency Taskforce this week.

Plain language is a necessity and can have a big payoff for both consumers and organizations. In a world full of noise and data overload, clear communication is now more important than ever. Using a combination of both AI and writing skills we are entering a new era of insight across all communication channels.

He will talk to delegates about:

  • Why plain language is a proven strategy to regain consumer trust
  • How to kick-start a Plain Language Program in your organization
  • Incorporating a Tone of Voice across an organizations communications
  • How to set clear communication KPIs and measurements

If you are unable to attend the Transparency Taskforce meeting, but would like more information we’d be happy to talk. You can contact a member of the team here.

Financial Services Visionaries & Research

Financial services visionaries have recognized the need for plain language. Chris Hill, Global Head of Content at Aberdeen Standard says: “Inconsistent tone, complex communications and jargon-laden language is typical in our industry. This leads to reduced engagement with customers and, over time, in a loss of customer trust. At Aberdeen Standard Investments, we want to be completely transparent, serve our customers and retain their trust. VisibleThread helps us do just that.”

Not all financial services organizations have adopted a plain language program yet. We researched 50 of the US’ largest banks. 58% of bank content is so complex it is not accessible by the average American. You can read the full report here.