
Clear communication: empowering non-native (and native) English speakers to write better

From HRZone with Fergal McGovern
Published: September 5, 2018

Clear communications are essential for organizations to function properly and it’s up to HR to come up with smart solutions to make this happen.

Organizations rely on written communication. Website content, scripts for live chats, customer journey drips, process documents, policy documents, terms and conditions and emails are just a few examples. For an eye-opening statistic, consider how much written communication makes up an internet minute in 2018.

However, the quality of written communication can vary for numerous reasons.

  • Not everyone writes to the same standard
  • People don’t often think of the audience they’re writing for
  • The instant feedback provided with spoken communication is not present with written communication

Not to mention that in today’s international talent market, it is very likely that not everyone in your organization will be a native English speaker.

Implementing a plain language standard in your organization can help solve all of these issues.